Monday, May 29, 2006

Wrapping up horn dog vs slut

My final thoughts and my last 2 long winded post.

I brought up the fact that I was a tom boy, because I have often wondered if I have higher level of testosterone. Maybe that 's why I have so many male characteristics, including being a horn dog.

Also, reading was important in fleshing out my feelings and desire for submissiveness. From an early age, reading in the library Norma Klein's It's OK if you Don't Love Me, looking at pictures from the joy of sex. By the time I was old enough to bike to the local mall, around 12, I would buy graphic books and closet them away. I am not talking about bodice rippers, but more openly sexual novels, usually penned by anonomous. I can't remember how I first found The Story of O, but I was about 14 or 15. Maybe it should have shocked me, but I loved it...especially the first half of the book. Years past and authors came and went, Paul Little, Lizbeth Dusseau and the ever popular anonymous, just to mention a few.

Also when I was about 13, we got a cable box that got so many channels (back then it probably like 50....but that was a lot then). Anyway one of the channels was I was, of course, old enough to stay home now...I couldn't wait for mom and dad to leave. It was soft porn and I loved it. I loved watching it and more importantly how it made me feel when I watched it.

So, long before there was any boy or boyfriend on the scene I knew I couldn't wait for sex and all the wonderful feelings it was going to bring. In retrospect, I was probably lucky my first boyfriend wasn't into it that much (although it was frustrating then) or I might have moved too fast.

This is why I feel I have to speak up when some feminist say things like women don't like this or don't like that...or that no woman is naturally submissive, it's just men subjugating and objectifying women.

Anyway...that's enough of that...except to say if you want to get your wife some hot reading, I recommend anything by Paul Little and Lizbeth Dusseau, also Anne Rice's sleeping beauty series is good.


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